Saturday 28 January 2012


What is change? Well, in the dictionary change is defined in many different ways, for example; to make different, to replace with another, to become different and to undergo transformation. I have been through many changes in my life from moving to changing lifestyles. I always thought as a kid that change was horrible. I remember when my parents decided to move to the South side of Lethbridge, which meant that I would be switching schools. I was unbelievably upset with them. We fought constantly about how this change was going to effect my life. Well, not my entire life, but my social life. It was the summer before 9th grade and I had my little group of friends and I was NOT ready to make new ones especially right before high school. So I put up the biggest fight of my life to not move to a different school. As you can guess, that didn’t work. I ended up attending Gilbert Patterson for my last year of junior high. To be honest, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I made quick friends with some girls who were pretty popular so I had an instant group of friends. But at the time I literally thought the world was over. One of the things I love about change and the whole process is that no matter what you are changing your life usually gets better, or improves.

I also had an experience where I changed my lifestyle from one side of the spectrum to the other. It was really hard for me. There were some nights where I would just sit at home in my room and feel sad for myself. I had lost some really good friendships during this experience, but eventually gained them back. I’m a people person, I love having people around me at all times, so during this time when I felt like I had no one was really hard for me to go through. After a few weeks, my sisters came into play and became my best friends. I never really knew how much my decisions were affecting their lives. I felt like I had let them down in a way. Fortunately, they have been able to learn for my mistakes, just like I have. I’m glad that we all have the opportunity to change in which ever way we can.

I was rereading a talk from this past General Conference about repentance by Elder Todd Christofferson. It was a really good reminder of how repentance is a good thing, and that it should be accepted with a celebration instead of the cold shoulder. Through this process we can improve ourselves and become a better and more joyous person. Now who wouldn’t want that?! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to go through this myself. I’m grateful for the challenges and trials that brought this all on. I’ve been told since I was little that I was the kind of person that had to try everything before I can determine if it was something right or wrong. It’s a curse in some ways, but a blessing in others. I know the consequences in the end, but I try it anyways. Being able to apply the doctrines and principles of this gospel in my own life has made them so much more real for me.

Change is something that we should all accept in our lives, even when it comes at a time when we are not willing to. That usually means we need it. Come what may, and love it.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

I've been thinking lately...

I have recently restarted my personal progress, yes I’m 23 years old and I haven’t finished it. Well I sat down with a young women’s leader in my family ward and we discussed the things that I needed to do to get it finished. After we had gone through the entire book, there wasn’t really much that I had to do. I was quite surprised and a little shocked at myself for not finishing it when I was in young women’s. It makes me sad to think that I honestly thought it was a waste of my time way back in those early years, and now think it is the GREATEST thing that I have ever done! I was an idiot. Right now I’m working on the value of Faith. I have been praying morning and night, which I never do consistently until now. It hasn’t even been a week yet and the Lord has been able to help me in so many ways. Even just little things. It has been great to be able to kneel down in prayer and be able to speak with my Heavenly Father and feel of His love. As I put my faith in Him every day I see myself becoming a stronger and more humble member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It has been an amazing experience!

This week I also had the opportunity to go on a church tour with my friend and some missionaries. We walked throughout the church as the missionaries talked about how the priesthood has been on the earth and then taken away. While they were explaining this, we were walking through the gym and all the lights were off. They had set up some pictures and shined a light onto a certain pictures of different prophets like Adam, Noah, and Moses. It was a very simple explanation and I loved it. After that we headed into a room that was filled with pictures of the Savior from His birth to His death. There was music playing softly in the background and it really set the mood for the room. As I walked around and looked at all the pictures, my heart started to pound. It brought me back to when my family and I went to Israel and got to see some of the amazing sites that we read about in the bible. I was reminded of the peace that I had felt at the Garden Tomb and at the Garden of Gethsemane.

I had almost forgotten how to felt to be at those places, but walking into that room with the Spirit I had felt brought me right back to those wonderful places. I didn’t think I was going to cry, but of course I was wrong. It was amazing the peace, comfort, love and joy that I was able to feel in that little room with only pictures. In most of the pictures Christ was giving service to His fellow men. I have thought time and time again that I should really do some service and volunteer somewhere. I also feel like I need to be more Christ-like toward others. Giving service was one of my new year resolutions, so I’m going to work on that soon. Anyways, back to the tour. It was amazing and the missionaries who bore their testimonies are great men, and I’m grateful for them and their example. I can’t wait to raise some boys and have them go on missions!

So I was going to post a really good video on here, but I don't know how. Go to and search Reflections of Christ. It's a gooder. You won't regret it.

Sunday 8 January 2012

New blog because old blog doesn’t work?

Alright so I had a blog before, but for some reason my log in and password weren't real. Which is a lie. Anyways, for one of my New Year's resolutions I have decided to journal a bit more and I'm not very good at writing, but very good with a keyboard. So what better way then to blog about my life!?

Graduation is upon me. I am headed into my last semester of college and I couldn't be more excited for it to be over. I'm just shocked and a little amazed that I made it! It has been great fun being in this program and getting to know the girls I go to school with every day. I don't know if I would have made it without some of them! You know who you are (if you are reading this).

Lethbridge is starting to bore me. Once I walk across that great stage during convocation and grab that diploma I'm going to be headed down to Las Vegas with one of my best friends. I really want to travel or move somewhere and be adventurous. We are planning on driving down to Vegas, picking up a friend and then heading over to Arizona to visit a couple who we all love as if they were our own grandparents. I hope this is the start of many different adventures in my life after graduation.

Sharing my testimony is the best. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. So I made a goal at the beginning of the school year that I would try and share my testimony of my beliefs more often. I have been able to get up every fast Sunday and bear my testimony to my ward. It hasn't been easy and every time I get up there I feel like I'm going to faint, but once I'm sitting down I feel like I'm on cloud 9. Every time I have been able to get up and say something my testimony has been strengthen and solidified. I know that this gospel is the true gospel. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son. I am so glad to be apart of this church and I want everyone to know it! I have also been able to answer some questions that friends have asked me, which also is awesome. Last semester for institute I was able to take a marriage prep class and that was amazing! I learned so much about what qualities I actually want in a future husband instead of the lame list you make in high school.

Speaking of marriage and husbands... I haven't found my Prince Charming yet, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking. There are a lot of nice guys here in this town, but I think I need a change of scenery. I thought I was going to be married this past summer and that went down the poop shoot, but I'm glad that it didn't work out because, once again, I have learned a lot about myself and what kind of person I want to be before all of that goes down.

Being a good friend is really something special. I have had the privilege of getting close with some AMAZING people during the last few years. I have had many friends in my lifetime, but the girls I spent summer '09 are the best! They were exactly what I needed during that time. I'm so grateful for their examples during their trials and happiness. I am also incredibly grateful for a certain friend that I have been able to get super close with over the last 2 years during school. We have been through a lot between the two of us and we have been able to share secrets with each other. She has been so great during the hard times at school or with boys and all she does is listen to me. Also I have never realized how much of an example I am to other people and I want to continue being a good example.

Well I think that's good for now. I think this is a start of a beautiful friendship, me and this blog...