Sunday 8 January 2012

New blog because old blog doesn’t work?

Alright so I had a blog before, but for some reason my log in and password weren't real. Which is a lie. Anyways, for one of my New Year's resolutions I have decided to journal a bit more and I'm not very good at writing, but very good with a keyboard. So what better way then to blog about my life!?

Graduation is upon me. I am headed into my last semester of college and I couldn't be more excited for it to be over. I'm just shocked and a little amazed that I made it! It has been great fun being in this program and getting to know the girls I go to school with every day. I don't know if I would have made it without some of them! You know who you are (if you are reading this).

Lethbridge is starting to bore me. Once I walk across that great stage during convocation and grab that diploma I'm going to be headed down to Las Vegas with one of my best friends. I really want to travel or move somewhere and be adventurous. We are planning on driving down to Vegas, picking up a friend and then heading over to Arizona to visit a couple who we all love as if they were our own grandparents. I hope this is the start of many different adventures in my life after graduation.

Sharing my testimony is the best. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. So I made a goal at the beginning of the school year that I would try and share my testimony of my beliefs more often. I have been able to get up every fast Sunday and bear my testimony to my ward. It hasn't been easy and every time I get up there I feel like I'm going to faint, but once I'm sitting down I feel like I'm on cloud 9. Every time I have been able to get up and say something my testimony has been strengthen and solidified. I know that this gospel is the true gospel. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son. I am so glad to be apart of this church and I want everyone to know it! I have also been able to answer some questions that friends have asked me, which also is awesome. Last semester for institute I was able to take a marriage prep class and that was amazing! I learned so much about what qualities I actually want in a future husband instead of the lame list you make in high school.

Speaking of marriage and husbands... I haven't found my Prince Charming yet, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking. There are a lot of nice guys here in this town, but I think I need a change of scenery. I thought I was going to be married this past summer and that went down the poop shoot, but I'm glad that it didn't work out because, once again, I have learned a lot about myself and what kind of person I want to be before all of that goes down.

Being a good friend is really something special. I have had the privilege of getting close with some AMAZING people during the last few years. I have had many friends in my lifetime, but the girls I spent summer '09 are the best! They were exactly what I needed during that time. I'm so grateful for their examples during their trials and happiness. I am also incredibly grateful for a certain friend that I have been able to get super close with over the last 2 years during school. We have been through a lot between the two of us and we have been able to share secrets with each other. She has been so great during the hard times at school or with boys and all she does is listen to me. Also I have never realized how much of an example I am to other people and I want to continue being a good example.

Well I think that's good for now. I think this is a start of a beautiful friendship, me and this blog...

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